The Italian High Speed/High Capacity (HV/HC) lines are part of the main European corridors of the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) and play a primary role in rebalancing, enhancing and integrating the logistics system of the Italian territory into the European context.
As a member of the Saturno Consortium, in 2012 GCFE was commissioned to build the technological systems for the 25kV AC Treviglio-Brescia section. The new high speed connection is an integral part of the Mediterranean Corridor and represents an important milestone in the construction of the HS/HC Milan-Verona line (overall length 95 km dt high speed, 15 km dt junctions).
The line is 39.6km long plus 11.7km of junctions and it is designed to ensure a train speed up to 300kph. It passes through 20 municipalities in the provinces Milan, Bergamo and Brescia and was built alongside the existing, conventional railway line following the route of the highway “Brebemi”..
The line is in commercial service since December 2016.
Having contributed to the realisation of this significant work in full compliance with contractual deadlines was an important milestone for GCFE.
In this way, the company has integrated and completed the experience already successfully gained in this field with the construction of the other High speed lines in Italy: Rome-Naples, Bologna-Florence, Milan-Bologna, Turin-Milan, today all in operation.
Rete Ferroviaria Italiana
- We are technological partners for the development of Italian HS/HC lines and members of the Saturno Consortium (Alstom, GCFE, Hitachi Rail sts, Mermec)
- We are the leading partner for Overhad Contact Lines and HV Transmission Lines technologies
- We are currently committed to the construction of the new HS/HC Milan – Genoa line (Terzo Valico), the Brescia – Verona section and the Verona – Bivio Vicenza section.